Five Reasons why I LOVE Hub
3min read
Imagine if LinkedIn was designed for business owners and not job seekers? What if Medium was built with a CRM at its core? No more need for Clickfunnels, Calendly, Salesforce and a bunch of other tools!
There are FIVE pieces of the 'BD' puzzle that all B2B business owners need to get right.
And, right now, I'm doing all five in one place.
No more need for Clickfunnels, Calendly, Salesforce and a bunch of other tools!
There's no room for 'generalists' when it comes to B2B sales and marketing.Specialists always charge more.
And that's because your future customers and clients want to know that you have the skills and experience to help THEM specifically.
Make sure that all your social media profiles clearly explain what you do, who you do it for and showcase why you are the best person to help your specific target audience.
Plus, make sure you get your Vanity URL.
HOT TIP: Do all your social media profiles have a 'Social Media Off Ramp'? That's a way to make sure that ALL your social media profiles are collecting leads for you.
We collect around 50 leads EVERY month just from links in socila media profiles.
The most successful B2B business owners are 'Tribe Builders'.They know how to attract an audience and transform strangers into fans.
When using B2B Hub, every time you attract a Follower, every time you collect a Lead, every time you invite a Contact to join your Inner Circle, you build your network.
You can also ‘deep dive’ into your Contact data and make informed decisions about how and when to stay in touch. This is what your Contact data looks like in B2B Hub:

Why is your fave celebrity chef rich and famous? Weird question, right?It’s because they give away their best recipes! And what do we do?
We buy they cookbooks, their branded saucepans or pay them the big bucks to cook for us.
Clients buy from you or engage your services when they have confidence in your ability to deliver.
Don't just tell them you have the skills. Show them!
Post Articles. Publish a Videos.
TIP: And don't just post content on your blog. Most platforms like B2B Hub are highly search engine optimized to attract highly targeted traffic. Plus, unlike most websites, B2B Hub is also optimized to help you convert this traffic into potential clients. Yes Boost your profile and collect Leads.
Did someone say Leads!Yes, Leads are the lifeblood of any B2B business.
Yet, most B2B websites are designed to look great but they rarely ‘convert’.
With B2B Hub, however, you can now set up your own Lead Capture Gateway and start collecting Pre-Qualified Leads almost immediately. You can create a ‘Gamified’ opt-in page that typically out-performs ‘Long form’ Landing Pages. Yowzers!
This 'Gamified' page below is converting above 30% of page visitors into leads:

What's your end goal when using any third party social media platform?Sure, build the audience, attract the followers, but then you must...
Get your future clients OFF social media and into your business.
However, when has any social media platform ever helped you book more meetings with future clients? Until now… Like, Never! That's not how they think or work.
Most social media platforms want to keep their site visitors on the site.
With B2B Hub, you can now create your own Appointment Page and invite future clients to book meetings with you. Integrate B2B Hub with your own work calendar. Yes, you become the prize!

In summary...
- It's NOT marketplace
- It's NOT a boring listing site.
- It's NOT typical social media.
Imagine if Medium was built with a CRM at its core.
Imagine if your first 'run' captured 139 leads.
Or your Lead Capture Gateway converted 43.57% of page visitors.
That's exacty what happened for Steve Rosenbaum...
Yeah, like Steve, I love this platform.