Social Media Marketing
How to Get More Leads from Social Media

How to Get More Leads from Social Media

James Tuckerman James Tuckerman B2B Dash
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What are you doing to optimize your social media profiles to grab attention, get found and collect leads? Here are THREE THINGS to get right if you want to do exactly that.

In this article, you will learn how to...

  1. Optimize my Profiles for Search Filters
  2. Quickly grab the attention of the Right People
  3. And start to actually Capture Leads
Over the past six months, my various social media bios have collected over 300 Leads.

Yep, that's over 50 new potential clients per month.

So, let's talk about that short piece of text that appears at the tippy-top of ALL your social media profiles. I'm talking about your various Social Media Bios. Like this…

How are YOU using these mostly under-appreciated and overlooked yet super-powerful pieces of online real estate to stand out, attract followers and capture leads?

Let’s start with the biggest mistake.

It’s YOUR profile, so you make it all about YOU.

Don't do that!

That's what I did with my Facebook profile (above).

What a mistake!

Instead, remember this...

Sure, it’s your profile, but if you are using social media as a business development tool (as a way to attract new clients), it needs to be about THEM.

That’s why we developed this simple framework:


Or, in other words…

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What are their headaches and desires?
  • What is your call to action?

Let me start with an unexpected example…

This is my profile on TikTok.

Yes, I’m using TikTok to collect B2B leads.

Whodathunk it!

And, at the moment, my profile is generating 30 Qualified Leads per month via this...

It’s a 'Lead Capture Gateway', that I created here, in B2B Hub, for FREE.

So, let’s break this down…

Consultant? Agency? B2B?

Need Leads, Meetings, Clients?

Get the Toolkit (That's the link.)

Too easy!

Now, what next?

  • Part Two - Lead Capture Gateways (Here.)
  • Part Three - Draft a Tight Tagline (Here.)
  • Part Four - Build a Better Bio (Here.)
  • Part Five - Pimp your Picture (Here.)
By making your profile about the needs of your audience (rather than what you ‘do’), you are more likely to be found by search engines, attract more Followers, Leads and better quality clients.

This is where you can share amazing Testimonials! It’s always more effective when someone else is able to talk about your strengths and achievements.

Simon Ogilvie-Lee - B2B Hub

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